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Zkin Laboratory

輕盈高效防曬精華霜SPF50+ PA++++ 50ml

輕盈高效防曬精華霜SPF50+ PA++++ 50ml

定價 HK$250.00
定價 售價 HK$250.00
特價 售罄


輕盈高效防曬精華霜SPF50+ PA++++,配方專為香港潮濕而悶熱的氣侯而設,不含防腐劑及酒精,有效保護皮膚免受紫外線傷害的同時,使肌膚零負擔,清爽不油膩。能強效阻隔UVA+UVB,抵禦曬黑及曬傷,為肌膚鎖住水分,保持水潤飽滿。

Product description:

UV Essential Light Screen SPF50+ PA++++ is specifically designed for the humid and hot climate in Hong Kong. It is free of preservatives and alcohol, effectively protecting the skin from UV damage while keeping it comfortable, non-greasy, and burden-free. It provides strong protection against UVA and UVB rays, preventing tanning and sunburn, and locks in moisture to keep the skin hydrated and plump.



Use method:

The last step of the morning skin care routine. Apply an appropriate amount of sunscreen  to the face and spread evenly on the skin. To use with makeup, apply an sunscreen first and allow it to fully absorb. It is recommended to cleanse the skin with a makeup remover.


NMN, Tinosorb S, Tinosorb M, Uvinul A Plus, Uvinul T-150, Resveratrol, Huang Qin extract, Banlangen extract, Green tea extract, Green chiretta extract, Aloe vera extract, Licorice extract

‧No Alcohol

‧No Chemical Preservatives

‧No Phthalates

‧No Pesticide Residues

‧No Mineral oil

‧No Heavy Metals

‧No GMO Ingredients
